Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Let's Get Ready To Rhumble!

Well hello! Welcome! How are you?

A bit of background to what this whole blog is... well, was.
When I was 16 I made a new year's resolution to not buy any new clothes. I embark
ed on a year-long project to reject new fashion. I sourced things only from charity shops, vintage shops, car boot sales and clothes swaps and did swimmingly well for most of the year.

I tracked my progress through this blog, taking pictures of my outfits everyday and posting updates about the latest additions to my wardrobe.
I didn't do so well in terms of regular updates, but I did try to crack out a post every now and again!

Now 3 years have passed since my first post; I'm a little older, a little wiser..? (Pfft!)
So please allow me to re-introduce myself.
My name is Sarah-Mary Geissler, currently a young lady of 19-going-on-20.
I have moved from the North-East of England and now reside in Epsom, about 30 minutes outside of London...
...Which is far enough away for there to be holiday posters about my hometown.
And I am in my first year studying Fashion Design at the University for the Creative Arts.

I'm pretty much restarting this blog as I just enjoy rambling.
It was a pleasure to meet you!

Much love!

Friday, 2 December 2011

The girl that I knew somewhere...

Wait right there!
I'm planning on re-starting my blog.
But I cannot think of anything witty/clever/fantastically charming to write about at the moment.
I'd rather not post a picture as I'm just donning a band t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms.
So here's a picture of the Fendi girl.
And watch this space.
Much love,
X x x