Saturday, 27 December 2008


Flu has morphed into tonsilitis
sorry but don't expect any photos of me anytime soon, my face isn't looking to well
much love,

Friday, 26 December 2008

"Something is not right with me"

Hello there! How are you?

Well I spent christmas day with the flu, which wasn't too pleasant, and today it's only worsened. So whilst my two brothers and the 'rents are hitting the boxing day sales and spreading good cheer to my relatives, I'm dwelling at home in my gangsta hoodie with a nose redder than rudolph's (ooh! seasonal reference!) feeling somewhat sorry for myself.

But at the risk of sounding like a self-centered, angst-ridden teen, I do wish to clarify that Christmas was brilliant! I mostly got books and cds; a vegetarian cookbook, Sophie's World, Paper Towns, The Yellow Wall-paper, a kitch-looking baked gifts cookbook, a gok wan book on how to dress, Kings of Leon, Girls Aloud, The Killers and Cold War Kids (my soundtrack at the moment, hence the title)

A couple days ago I blitzed my wardrobe; I am one of those people who has too many clothes to fit in their drawers/cupboard, and have an embarrassingly large amount of unworn/once worn clothes. If I'm serious about this then I shouldn't start the year with an abundance of clothes, because that would be far too easy and to some extent just defeat the point.

So I went through, brutally, and ended up with 3 plastic bags of clothes and a plastic bag of belts and bags. My shoes are still all there as I do actually wear my shoes on a healthy rotation, which I'm a little proud of myself for. I dropped 2 of the bags off at the Tynedale Community Hospice shop (2 was all I could carry) and I considered dropping the rest off at the RSPCA shop where I volunteer, but I'm not sure whether I'd be comfortable with people I know so well rifling through my things, and it might be quite mean as some of the items were from there originally so I couldn't just return them.

I've worked out a couple kinks in the plan; for example usually if I go to a gig I'll buy a t-shirt. I've never seen a band play twice and I doubt that will change within 2009, so essentially that means when I go to a gig, I have a one off opportunity to buy a band t-shirt from that gig. So I've decided if I go to a gig, then I'll buy a t-shirt but only wear it in 2010. Similarly, if someone doesn't know or doesn't remember my resolution and buys me some new item of clothing then I'll put it away and wear it in 2010. I swear I'm not just trying to justify cheating!

Hope everyone had a very merry christmas!
Much love,

Sunday, 21 December 2008

My mission not-so-impossible, but whatever.

Hello! Welcome! How are you?
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sarah-Mary Geissler, currently a young lady - 16 going on 17. I reside in NorthEast England.

As of January 1st I am embarking upon a year-long project to reject new fashion. This will be the year that fashion forgot.

This is basically my resolution for 2009, to shop solely at charity shops, vintage shops, car boot sales, avoiding the high street at all costs. I'm assuming that the more cynical of you may see this as a completely timid feat to undertake; yeah, there's loads of people who already do this without needing the whole dramatic annoucement and blog shebang, but frankly it's a big alteration in the way I look at clothes. And also it's not the hugest of changes as I already rely heavily on charity shops and vintage for my fashion-fix.

Just running the idea by a few friends already poses a problem; for the longest time my friend has told me he knows exactly what to get me for my birthday (man jewelry courtesy of Topman, he isn't a fan of surprise) he wasn't best pleased that he needs to rethink his gift ideas. Also my dear mother, who is my brutally honest style guru and a connoisseur of costume, is somewhat dejected that she will no longer be able to buy clothes, shoes and what not for me to doll up in.

I've deciced to track the progress of my 2009 New Year's Resolution through the medium of blog, partially to allow the world to watch my style evole over the year, partially to pressure me into carrying out the resolution all year. Basically, the blog will document what I'm wearing everyday (this being a statement I will regret making later on)
Earlier in the year I tried photographing my daily outfits before ultimately losing all motivation for it, and any resolution I have previously made has inevitably went a bit Titanic (stop biting nails-fail!) unless it's been purposely made to be acheivable (finish coursework/exams and be a little bit fabulous-success!) I am making this blog, fully intent upon updating multiple times a week with a daily picture of my outfits and updates of my purchases.

Before I begin, I feel it necessary to set some ground rules to abide by:

1. Thou shalt not purchase garments/shoes/accessories as new
2. Thou shalt not purchase garments/shoes/accessories as new for others
3. Thou shalt not accept garments/shoes/accessories as new from others
4. Thou shalt ALWAYS purchase underwear as new
5. Thou shalt purchase material as new in order to produce garments

So there's my mission statement, any questions?

Much love,